Saturday, July 22, 2006

Most dangerous game

When I was in high school I read a rather well written and thought provoking short story called "The Most Dangerous Game". The plot, quite simply, was that this rich guy would bring unwitting people to his island and hunt them for sport. Sounds like fun right? Anyway, the point of the story was to show that Man is the most dangerous game of all.
I disagree with this. Most people are rather cowardly, and if you were to corner them, or confront them with any sort of weapon, especially some sort of high-power hunting rifle, they tend to cower in fear. Bears on the other hand would just stand up on their hind legs, knock the rifle from your hands, and then tear your face off. Then they would maybe eat a little bit of you just to drive the point home.
Bears, the most dangerous game indeed. Sharks too.


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