Wednesday, July 19, 2006

North Korea can tongue my left nut

What. The. Fuck. How is N. Korea still a country? How many countries have they threatened with nuclear weapons? This shit cannot be allowed to continue. Bush needs to grow a pair, or get them back from whoever the hell has them, and bomb the fuck out of N. Korea.
The Founding Fathers would not have stood for that asshat Kim Jong Il. In fact, I can picture it now.
Thomas Jefferson, or T. Jeff to his friends, would sneak up behind him, hook his arms, and restrain him, then George "Moses" Washington would head butt him. While Kim was bleeding rather profusely out the nose, Georgie would start working the ribs. Then while George was out taking a smoke/drink break, Ben "Franky" Franklin would break Kim's legs with a 2 x 4. The three would then take turns teabagging Kim before they finally drawed and quartered him in front of a crowd of thousands. A band would be playing the national anthem in the background. Finally, his head would be mounted in the Oval Office and his torso would be mailed to those pussies in Venezuela as a warning.
Oh man. I just messed a little.


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