Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Subliminal Mind Raping

It would be more then fair to say that I spend at least a quarter of my conscious hours watching TV. Overkill? Probably, but until it is shown that TV causes cancer, nothing will change. Anyway, over those four hours, I see quite of a few commercials. Most commercials are pretty run of the mill; average enough not to catch my attention. However, my TV watching bliss has been ruined as of late by a series of commercials from the Coca-Cola company. These of course would be the Sublyminal advertising commericals for Sprite. Who the hell thought this shit was a good idea? Honestly, these commercials are horrible. Some know-nothing advertising major who thinks that their degree actually means something thought these would be mind blowing. Somewhere out there, probably in California, some group of douchebags took time out of their busy schedules of verbally fellating each other long enough to push out this gem. I don't think I am alone in suggesting that these people be put on trial for war crimes.

The saddest thing is that the most annoying commercials are also the most memorable. So along that same line of thought, I have an idea for a whole new line of commercials. 45 seconds of someone dragging their fingernails down a chalkboard. Horribly obnoxious. Highly memorable. Pure genius.


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