Wednesday, July 19, 2006

That dull ache in the back of my skull

This blog has been long in the making. Anyone who has talked to me for more than 10 minutes can tell you that I like to go on long rambling tangents about random shit and how I would make it better. The next logical step from ranting to my friends, is to ranting anonymously on the internet.
So at long last, it has arrived. An outlet where I can pour out all my creativity (or what little I have) and hope that some of it will coalesce into a semi-coherent thought.
Sometimes my postings will be serious thoughts on topical issues. Other times, it will be sarcastic essay concerning anything that is pissing me off. And, if I am really desperate for material, it will be some miscellaneous crap that just falls out of my head.
If you find anything I type offensive, I don't particularly care. You can't please everyone. If you find my writing funny, then I have accomplished something. If you think this is a bunch of stupid drivel, then what can I say, I am doing my best. I am not a creative writing major, just a lowly number cruncher with a dream.
By the way, that pain in the back of my head is from stupid people.


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